Q#1: Perform the conversions of the numbers indicated. Assume there are n=16 binary digits available:
a) (37D5) base
b) (1111 1011
1101 1010) binary
A#1a) 11011111010101
33725 octal
A#1b) -1062 decimal
?? base 4
Q#2: As you know, there are up to 16 visible registers in the 486/Pentium microprocessors. List and give a brief description of those registers available in the 8086/8088 microprocessor.
AX General purpose
BX General purpose
CX General purpose
DX General purpose
ES Extra segment register
DS Data segment register
SI Segment index register
SS Stack segment register
BP Base pointer register
DI Data index register
CS Code segment register
IP Instruction pointer
Q#3: Match each term on
the right with its correct description on the left:
1) calculates physical address | a) PUSH instruction |
2) generates object code | b)illegal transfer |
3) MOV 0FFFFh, DX | c) 0B8000h |
4) Overrides allocations | d) TASM |
5) saves word in the stack | e) MODEL |
6)sets autoincrement mode | f) BIU |
7) points to next instruction | g) 00400h |
8) determines memory requirements | h) PTR |
9) memory to memory transfer | i) POP instruction |
10) Text mode video segment address | j) DATA |
k) CS:IP | ||
l) MOVSW | ||
m) CLD |
a) Real mode: A#4a: In real mode, there is one meg of addressable memory. Generally, older systems (ie. 8086) can only use the real mode. Because of this relatively small amound of memory, large and complex programs cannot be designed to operate in real mode.
b) Protected mode: A#4b: As processor architecture improved, the protected mode was also created to allow access to memory above one megabyte. A protected mode system will also allow real mode applications to run, so that it is backward compatible.
Q#5: Write the most appropriate data declaration statement for the following cases:
a) Four distinct variables initialized with the following
46, 0FFBCh, "this is a long message to display",
A#5a: one
DB 46d
two DW 0FFBCh
three DB 'this is a long message to display'
four DD 120000d
b) An array of 100 double words initialized to zero.
A#5b: array
DD 100 DUP (0)
Q#6: Calculate the physical address for the following seg:offset pointers:
a) A8EC:0FFF
A#6a: A9EBFh (695999d)
b) A9FA:0AFF
A#6b: AAA9Fh (699039d)
Q#7: Consider the variables and their initialization values shown in the table. Draw a map and indicate the actual allocation of these variables in memory.
A DW 1,2,3
B DW 0,
C DW ?
D DW -32768
Q#8: Consider the data and the code segment provided below. Assume that array is loaded at location 0A100:1020h. Fill in the space provided as the program executes:
array DB 1,2,3,4,5,6
13h, 25h
mov ax, @data
mov ds, ax
; ds = 0A100h
mov si, OFFSET array
; si = 1020h
mov ax, 0
; ax = 1
mov ax, B
; ax = 1325h
mov dx, WORD PTR A
; dx = 2513