
the pariah dog.


caniah toy => caniah case

My cousin Addi's kid had this wonderful little toy that created some great sounds when its battery ran low. I first heard it about two years ago, and apparently Addi had held on to the toy in hopes of recording it one day. Recently, for my tech savy nerd services, he paid me the toy in trade.

The MuttZart toy by VTech is intended to play classical music for infants or toddlers. It contains a trigger switch in the paw, and a collection of other sensors in the forehead (including a light sensor, motion sensor, and microphone). With a few modifications, it becomes an instrument of post-industrial-electro-experimental-glitch-noise-mayhem (or whatever).


As usual, the toy was gutted and its circuit was probed with alligator clips and various electronic components (capacitor, resistor, diodes) and a selection of interesting surgical modifications was performed. Here's the breakdown:

All this was housed in a gorgeous, shiny chrome motor housing that was inexpensively scrounged from a thrift shop.


Here is a set of images showing caniah in various states of completion: There are images that show the inside wiring and component connections, as well as the finished, sealed unit. The last in the group shows the back of the main circuitboard (which I used to scribble on during probing) and the original plush toy.

Or, if you wish, you can [browse the full resolution images](/art/bends/caniah/full).


Ok, sure, I suppose you may want to know what it sounds like. The following clips were all recorded in a single take with no additional effects or postprocessing, except for amplification.