Electrococks save the day!

Fri Jan 28 2005 21:11:12 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)

I didn't have a chance yesterday to write this up, but it's absolutely worth saving, so I'm covering it today. I had a long work day yesterday, and I was driving home somewhat sleep deprived and exhausted. I wasn't really in the mood for music, so I tuned on NPR to kill some of the the drive time silence. I was mostly spacing out (half listening) when All Things Considered ran the greatest story I've ever heard in my life. I strongly encourage you to listen to the stream from their site, but I absolustely had to save a copy for posterity. I was alone and laughing out loud! What madness this world can bring! All credit and respect to NPR, All Things Considered, and Robert Siegel: A big thank you for turning around my day and putting a big nasty grin on my face. I guess I should also add that I released a dot-version of nzbperl last night to address a stupid-yet-critical bug. If you're running version 0.6, should should upgrade asap.