Project 1: Dice - Connected Component Analysis
Image Processing
Project 1: Image recognition of a die using connected component analysis
Last updated on 02/14/2000
The formal paper describing this work can be found here: report.html
The executable program that performs the image analysis can be downloaded here: dice.exe
(Note: This program does not yet play sound files as indicated in the project requirements)
Source code:
[dice.h ](/misc/school/imgproc/dice/dice.h) |
Main program header file |
[dice.cpp](/misc/school/imgproc/dice/dice.cpp) |
Main program implementation file |
[pgmfile.h](/misc/school/imgproc/dice/pgmfile.h) |
Wrapper class for dealing with PGM files (class declaration) |
[pgmfile.cpp](/misc/school/imgproc/dice/pgmfile.cpp) |
Wrapper class for dealing with PGM files (class implementation) |
[pgmfileOperations.h](/misc/school/imgproc/dice/pgmfileOperations.h) |
Wrapper class for modifying PGM images (class declaration) |
[pgmfileOperations.cpp](/misc/school/imgproc/dice/pgmfileOperations.cpp) |
Wrapper class for modifying PGM images (class implementation) |
[ImageOps.h](/misc/school/imgproc/dice/ImageOps.h) |
Wrapper class for performing image operations, including blob analysis (connected component analysis), equivalence class resolution, blob height, blob width, and blob area. (class declaration) |
[ImageOps.cpp](/misc/school/imgproc/dice/ImageOps.cpp) |
Wrapper class for performing image operations, including blob analysis (connected component analysis), equivalence class resolution, blob height, blob width, and blob area. (class implementation) |
Various images used to test/develop this software can be found here.