Personal Vimeo archive
In 2023, I decided that I probably just shouldn't have videos on Vimeo any more.
Nothing personal, but I just think the company has gone in a weird direction and
I'm sure that personal/amateur videos aren't really their thing. They also kinda
threaten or otherwise want you to pay to keep "original" HQ videos. In any case,
I think I'm not their target market. Rather than just having the video go
away one day, I decided to make a personal archive of all 30ish videos I've ever
created and uploaded to Vimeo. This is that archive.
2-D tilt servo controller
Barebones Arduino outputting MIDI to a 25 dollar keyboard synth from Goodwill
The Billy Goat strikes again
Bleed color from your tear ducts
brizbomb live at St. Johns No.Fest 2008
Computer triggered drop release mechanism
Dorkbotpdx 2008-07-21 - HD Platter Spinner
Dorkbotpdx 2008-07-21 - Laen's sound board
DorkbotPDX open lab quick walkthrough
DorkbotPDX untitled exquisite corpse
Drop test 1 - proof of concept
Ghetto Drum 2.0 demonstration
Kepler's Orrery amid the blinkenlichten
Michael Bunsen - No.Fest 2010 Dimensions talk
Music from outer space synth demo
Mykle Hanson reading at St. Johns No.Fest 2008
Oregon Painting Society - 2011-04-08
PAiA Midi CV kit at DorkbotPDX open lab
Sparkfun tricolor button midi benito pc interface
Steve's spinning laser refraction
Woodstock Arctic Blast 12-22-2008
World's most convoluted DTMF dialer