blogs tagged "workshop"

Garage -> Workshop. Early.

Mon Jan 20 2014 23:16:38 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)

tags: house home workshop garage

I'm working on a workshop build out in the garage of my new house.  There are a few things to deal with first.

Haywire circuit bending workshop went really well.

Wed Jan 30 2008 21:57:25 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)

tags: dorkbot dorkbotpdx circuitbending workshop

On Sunday, I hosted a circuit bending workshop called "Haywire" with Dorkdbot Portland at PNCA.


There is some more detailed information over here and I have posted some pictures over here and added them to the DorkbotPDX flickr pool.

Overall, things went really well! There was a sizable turnout (35 or 40ish benders) and most seemed to really be enjoying the workshop. We encountered a hitch at the start involving lack of power and fire marshals, but things got rolling and people got into it. Although I forgot to start the recorder for my 30 minute introduction talk, I did record a couple hours of silly and chaotic ambient audio from the event. I hope to convert it to mp3 sometime soon and make it available online.

This was my first time putting on a workshop, and I certainly stood to learn a few things. Like:

  1. Arrive earlier than you want to. I showed up about 15 minutes early, which was right around the time everybody else showed up. It was nice to have the help carrying equipment, but I would have been less overwhelmed with more time.
  2. Check power before the workshop starts.
  3. Set clear ground rules about taking toys to hack. That is -- if you take it from the bin, you take it out of the building. I ended up hauling away a seizable tote full of half hacked or otherwise busted items. Ug!
  4. Have dedicated helpers on-hand to answer questions and run errands. If 40 or so people want to pick your brain, you're going to have a hard time...helpers can, uh, help!
  5. Try not to span a mealtime or schedule a break or provide food. If people leave, it can break up the momentum and worse, they might not come back.

I also probably should have prepared a few simple diagrams/tutorials that showed some basics, such as adding a line-out. Hopefully there will be a next time, and hopefully lessons learned will lead to a smoother workshop! Thanks again to everybody who signed!