[no subject]

Thu Oct 04 2001 09:09:00 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)

I've been ignoring my web page way too much. I guess I just haven't been in the mood to post. Perhaps this will change. My trip to San Diego to see Peter was great! While I was there, toorcon was taking place. We didn't stay for too many talks, but I made sure we got back there to check out freedom downtime...it was an excellent documentary! We had a wonderful time overall, and it made me hate coming back to Lubbock that much more....bah! I still have the VTech driving tutor/teacher toy torn apart on my desk. To my surprise, I found several reliable ways to get it into ultra hyper glitch mode...I'm going to take my time on this one though and make sure I'm not overlooking any great bends. I still can't believe I haven't found any decent pitch bends in this motha.