Fri Mar 07 2003 21:41:52 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)
Oh, well, let's see. I'm still living. I'm interested in entirely too many things. While I was in Seattle, I purchased a Pioneer LaserDisc (heh, remember those things?) remote control for a buck fifty at a thrift store. The only real reason I had any interest in it is the jog controller. I figure, if it's hackable, it's a nice little handheld controller. I think that perhaps I'll look at adding a [few] port[s] to it for generic controller purposes. There's a twisty spring-actived shuttle control around the jog wheel (I'm sure you've seen them) that I'm hoping is resistive. I may even (as time allows) hack together a PIC circuit to support the remote via IR. Maybe not, but it's an idean. Also, while in Seattle, we found our way to an open market where Stacy and I scored some insanely bizaare semi vintage postcards. I need to scan these things, they're so utterly strange. I paid a buck a piece for the midget handling bread, JAKE the alligator man, and some disturbing greetings from some livestock-now-meat handlers. Perfection. Now, that all that's out of the way, allow me to link whore for a bit... I got my recent eBay win today from invisible (actually invisible "rob"), and it's great. Weird, but great. If you're bored and in need of a time-consuming distraction, then LinkSwarm comes to your rescue. Think memepool with a warez-flavored style. I was going to go to the PLUG meeting last night, but it took me like 30 minutes to get halfway there, so I said fuck it and went home. I would have been late. It would have been rude. Since Dean told me about his (er, Rebel's) new pc-slash-PVR, I've been totally jealous. I've been thinking more and more about rolling my own linux-based PVR. I can't fucking stand commercials any longer. MythTV looks absolutely amazing, and I really like the idea of avoiding monthly fees (ala tivo) and not getting tied into a propriatary product that could kick it. Fortunately, these guys suggest some reasonable hardware, the key things being a Shuttle mainboard in a slim case. Gah, it's all about the benjamins. Perhaps one day I'll just break down and buy the components to build myself a nice little open PVR unit. Until then, I tinker with XMLTV and love marvel at how well it works. And last, but not least, I ran across the Miranda IM client today, something that really looks interesting. Smaller is better, and damn, it even supports Jabber.