Fri Nov 14 2003 09:49:41 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)
So I guess I haven't posted since we got our puppy a few weeks ago. It's crazy how fast those little bastards grow at that age. Sure, I suppose he's cute, but he's certainly a handful. I can't think of the last full night of sleep I've had.
I finally decided to get out of the house and make a trip to Fry's Electronics the other night. I had truly forgotten just how insanely huge that place is, and the variety of products is just mind boggling. I left the store without spending a penny, but I knew that I could have spent $100k without even breaking a sweat. I spent quite a few minutes drooling over the tiny little Sony VAIO laptop Mac knockoff thingies. Wow. I haven't really been that impressed with a piece of equipment in a long long time. Now if only I could find $2300 just laying in the street...
Should I go see KMFDM when the play in a couple weeks? I think I should...who knows if I'll ever get the chance again. I wonder if there are still tickets...bah. I know Pigface is coming very soon too...I guess it's time to start saving.
Last weekend, my bro and Heather came down for a weekend visit. She pointed me to shirley & spinoza radio, which I guess she found somehow via the noisybox linkpile. Crazy neet stuff!