Sun Aug 01 2021 23:14:48 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
Wow this long summer of 3 months of Pedalpalooza
has really been fun and intense. I'm definitely more engaged and riding more,
or at least it feels like it...but maybe it's just that things are spaced out more?

On a ride today, as is common
when meeting new friends on rides with strangers, talk turned to past pedalpalooza
rides. I didn't realize until later that I have actually done quite a few this
season, including:
- Flanders ride - bunch of Ned Flanders cosplayers riding over the new bike overpass bridge on....FLANDERS street. Props to the project!
- Rocky Butte - climb to Rocky Butte at sunset. Lots of people, friends and new friends, lots of fun.
- Monster Ride - Lots of
furry beasts and strange creatures. I took my demon son Jeffrey along for the trip.
He frightened a few folks, and was welcomed by good company.
- Goth Ride - (the above pic, in the cemetery, before the start) - Music. Eyeliner. Darkness. <3
- Music for Airports - A bunch
of awkward music geeks with unsynchronized versions of the seminal album playing
on repeat while we circle the airport on bikes and try not to die.
- PBP not a Brevet - That was today. A longer and smaller ride, but really
fun and challenging. I locked up my front wheel when the (metal) fender folded
on the single-track descent on Rocky Butte, but
somehow didn't puncture and didn't crash and managed to hand-bend the shit
back enough to keep riding. Not boring at all! What a forearm workout on these Paul
canti brakes. :) Never riding a trail again on purpose with these fucking fenders, that's
for sure...
I suppose I've done a ton of other riding as well, like to friends birthday
parties and to play disc golf once and to test some personal limits/things...
but yeah, pedalpalooza has been super fun this year! I wonder (and secretly hope)
that the multi-month format will maintain past covid...
Most of a month remains. Looking forward to even more rides!