Mon Jun 13 2005 22:36:30 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
Stacy and I took the dogs down to the river on Saturday to walk along the esplanade and get drenched in the downpour. It was a blast, and the retriever, of course, just loved it (and the chi was more comfortable stuffed in a backpack). The Rose festival stuff was going on across the water, and we saw a rescue helicopter showing off some of its stuff.
Thu Jun 02 2005 00:14:39 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
"Can you, you know, maybe put the whammy on I don't even know who the current president is?" Anyway. Sorry for the lag. Things been busy in these parts I guess. In the meantime, I grew a beard and then later shaved it off. Shows shows shows since the last entry. PDX noise fest 2005, Wolf Eyes, Angels of Light, Pigface, and even 2 Pixies shows in the same night. I released the cāniah page tonight, and thought I should mention it, so go check it out. There's also another improved nzbperl around the corner (soon, but honestly, who knows when).
Thu Mar 10 2005 23:48:00 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)
Holy shit. Normally I'd say something clever here, but I've watched this 3 times in a row and I'm still completely fucking speechless: Baby Got Book Finally, the internet journey for the best worst thing ever has come to a close. ;) We can all turn off the computers and sleep soundly now.
Tue Mar 01 2005 22:10:51 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)
I stumbled upon an old email related to this usenet post and got a bit nostalgic about my LED sign and its roots. I ended up googling a while and actually discovered some other people that have done similar things: Todd cracked the checksum (or something) on his sign's firmware Josh Burley has a freshmeat project about his sign software hacks. devito-p has a tripod (yuk!) page and links related to the signs. Maybe Silent Radio isn't really dead and maybe it lives on? There are listings for "Silent Radio" in southern CA and at least one Mike Levin in CA. There are apparently still companies that are selling SilentRadio signs, although they look newer (ie. multi lines, multi colors). The real question, though, is what happened to Mike Levin? Why do I even care? Is it related to that cryptic message that Julian sent me in 1999? Maybe I've somehow inappropriately romanticized the whole situation? Maybe the human side of the story is ultimately more interesting than the technology... Thoughts?
Sun Feb 06 2005 22:40:23 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)
It's long overdue, but I managed to get my P5 glove working in pure-data a few days back! Stoked. The build process is still a complete mess, but at least it's working for me. I hope that the tutorial thing can help others get it going too. I doubt I'll get to it tonight, but I intend on giving a progress post to the pd and yahoo-p5 groups/lists. If you're bored, you might as well watch the video. :) Also started working on new features for nzbperl. Quite a bit of progress, but the next release is still probably a few weeks out. Gotta keep it brief. Us old guys need our rest.
Fri Jan 28 2005 21:11:12 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)
I didn't have a chance yesterday to write this up, but it's absolutely worth saving, so I'm covering it today. I had a long work day yesterday, and I was driving home somewhat sleep deprived and exhausted. I wasn't really in the mood for music, so I tuned on NPR to kill some of the the drive time silence. I was mostly spacing out (half listening) when All Things Considered ran the greatest story I've ever heard in my life. I strongly encourage you to listen to the stream from their site, but I absolustely had to save a copy for posterity. I was alone and laughing out loud! What madness this world can bring! All credit and respect to NPR, All Things Considered, and Robert Siegel: A big thank you for turning around my day and putting a big nasty grin on my face. I guess I should also add that I released a dot-version of nzbperl last night to address a stupid-yet-critical bug. If you're running version 0.6, should should upgrade asap.
Tue Jan 25 2005 20:16:39 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)
So Firefox kicks ass. Anybody who's in-the-know has been using Mozilla/Seamonkey/Firebird/Firefox for quite some time and realizes the superiority of said browser. I know I've been using it for at least 5 years [he said smugly]. I fucking hate doing my taxes. It's a bureaucratic bullshit overly-complicated and ultimately retarded process. Fortunately, there are these great little online tools (read: web applications, that seems to be the buzzwerd) that can walk you through a finance-for-dumbasses style wizard to fill in the blanks of some government form, for like $30 or $50. That's cool...I'm a tax tard and I admit I'm willing to pay for the [mechanized] help... Except now. Some TurboTard has decided that unix (eeeewwwwww-nix) browsers (whatever the fuck that is, eh, and who are these eunuchs?) including firefox aren't supported. Except, guess what? They actually are supported! A brilliantly useful summary from the "NetWizard" describes the issue and how to work around it. Stupid stupid stuff on the part of Intuit, great great info on the part of Yakov. In summary: TurboTax has decided to implement some silly ineffective JavaScript to detect the browser version. If they don't see your current browser in a small (read: incomplete) set of mainstream configurations (think Win/OSX with IE or Netscape, yeah, like people still use Netscape), they flip you the bird and tell you to bend over. Fortunately, a little client-side hack with the help of a Firefox plugin clears things right up. I'll be trying this soon. Firefox is Firefox, people. Sure there are going to be teeny tiny differences between Windows and OSX and *nix, but for the most part, the developers have gone WAY out of their way to make sure that the behavior is consistent (not only consistent, but standards compliant). I've been using your product for years now -- why would you try and alienate me now? Who cares what the host OS is? Unless, of course, there's a hidden agenda in there somewhere. Da.
Sun Jan 23 2005 22:41:10 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)
I released nzbperl version 0.6 tonight. I suppose it's not complete, but I think it's consumable. Good stuff inside.
And I also made a monkey skull stencil on the dry erase board. Here's what it looks like from a distance and also up close. We're all monkeys anyway...and I recall that Mr. Byrne wants you to understand the facts.
Tue Jan 11 2005 22:27:45 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)
Where the hell did the last month go? It was a blink...a flash in the pan...and I promise that I didn't intentionally delay this post for an exact month. Is that a symptom of getting older? So the noisybox blog now has a RSS link in the doc head, so that that fancy icon shows up properly in Firefox (look in the lower right-hand corner of the window). Too bad I never seem to post. After the last post, really, not a lot has been going on (outside of the 40+ hour grind). I spent many an hour rebuilding nzbperl into version 0.5, and a new release is already around the corner. This isn't really the place for technical details, but I'm pretty damn happy with the latest release -- it handles multiple connections and has a dope-ass colored ASCII (remember when we called colored ASCII ANSI?) screen. A few silly bugs and minor improvements will be in the next version...probably within a few weeks. The holidays (the blur that they were in my sieve-like memory) were great. Dustin made it up to P-town (surprise) and gave us a fancy new DVD player that supports all kinds of newfangled formats. Rad. I also got a DVD burner, so I'm no longer 2 years behind the times! Speaking of Dustin, his new site is up and running, so give it a look. The BCR2000 (been drooling over this for months!) I got is a bad-ass control surface that worked right out of the box with the Linux USB MIDI drivers in 2.6. It's nice to be able to control multiple things in an intuitive way at once...but there's one drawback: if I run pd with realtime settings and then power off the BCR200, it seems to (some-fucking-how) disable my puter's keyboard. There's always something...
Sat Dec 11 2004 14:56:02 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)
So there's a new recording up on the art page for download: [Trichinosis](/art/Infiltration Lab - Trichinosis.mp3). It's a terribly long generative piece that's seeded with streaming scanner audio. Mostly, it's intended to be an informational piece that explains the dangers of improperly prepared meat products. Modern day farming practices and pork feeding habits are both of critical importance. The work should also be available on within a few days. That is all for now. I haven't really created anything new or progressed on any other projects...but I will...