Sun Feb 24 2002 21:13:00 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)
The Blubber Box is in full effect. Be scared. Noise like this can hurt! Oh yeah, and if you work for a high-tek company in Portland or Seattle, please hire me. Thanks.
Sun Feb 10 2002 23:49:00 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)
The ILab has undergone some significant software upgrades...please bear with me if things aren't working 100%. Feel free to let me know if something is hosed. Thanks.
Tue Feb 05 2002 22:58:00 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)
I've finally taken the time to throw up a page for the triwavepicoswash that I built for my bro and myself. The page includes descriptions, pictures, and even some sound clips. So stop reading this, and check it out already!
Mon Feb 04 2002 20:14:00 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)
Well, for the time being at least, the ilab web server is back on port 80. I guess that means, at least temporarily, that will work. Same goes for my other virtual hosts (like this one, or this one, or even this little one). Props to Cox to not filtering these ports, if it was intentional! When are they going to realize that small personal web sites don't congest their network and simply facilitate easy communication to friends and family...which is what the service is supposed to do in the first place? Let us [continue to] run our measly little sites dammit! :)
Mon Feb 04 2002 00:57:00 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)
Well, my triwavepicoswash is complete. I don't have pictures up yet (it's much too late for that now, I promise to do it later), but it's working amazingly. Perhaps I just have really simple tastes in noise, but I could listen to this thing all night. A big props to the guys at commonsound for the specs.
Fri Feb 01 2002 01:28:00 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)
Well, for the most part it looks like the Cox conversion stuff worked relatively smoothly. I was impatient, so I restarted the interface when I saw the connection drop...and sure enough it came back a little later with a new IP. Unfortunately, I was dumb enough to forget to set permissions on my dynamic DNS update script, so that failed until I ran it manually. Sweet.
Sun Jan 27 2002 20:42:00 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)
A couple of quick updates. The weblog no longer supports the ascii mode. I hated that thing anyway. It's gone. Buh-bye. I should have all my stuff on ported over from static to dynamic pending the upcoming switchover by cox. I got ddclient installed to hopefully automagically handle the updates. I highly doubt that everything will work on the first DHCP lease renewal (especially since I'm unsure if cox is keeping the cx hostname crapola)...keep your fingers crossed. My email address has changed. I had to update every possible link on all these pages...what fun. Please use as my primary email address for now on. Thanks.
Wed Jan 23 2002 00:49:00 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)
Well, the ilab server now sports a mighty 128Mb RAM stick. Quite an upgrade from the mere 48Mb before. Thanks to my man nappbread for the donation! Hopefully this will help performance...but it's really too early to tell. Unfortunately, the replacement CDROM drives I tried all flaked out, so I'm still stuck with my crappy Creative drive which doesn't like to eject or mount nicely...although I think I've finally figured out the way to make it work. I'm sure you didn't notice the downtime tonight during the upgrade.
Tue Jan 22 2002 23:49:00 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)
Bah! Apparently the server clock got hosed during the maintenance. Ignore the wrong time on the last [next?] message. You may now return to your regularly scheduled program (at the correct time slot).
Mon Jan 21 2002 21:35:00 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)
Well, we're back from our honeymoon in Breckenridge, CO. We had a blast! It was a relief to get away from Lubbock and see some snow and mountains and do some snowboarding. To understand just what I'm talking about, you should probably stop reading this and go check out the photos section. It's really hard to come back to this place after being away for so long! I also got my new monitor. My old 19" crapped out, so I broke down and bought a new Viewsonic. The difference in picture quality is amazing.