Tue Apr 23 2002 01:08:00 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
Well, this may be one of the geekiest things I have done to date (just wait, there's plenty of time to top this...heh), but I ported my resume to voice XML format. That's right, just call 1-800-555-TELL and press 103212 and listen to my resume. Oh, and in case you were wondering, yes, the 3212 portion of the extension is props to a Negativland song featuring Jello Biafra.
Mon Apr 15 2002 22:30:00 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
So I finally got around to putting a line-out on the old Casio keyboard I scored a while back. The 10k pot controlling the line out volume is overkill, but it works pretty well. I tinkered a bit with it hooked up through the noise swash and a small mixer my bro gave me a while back...it sounded pretty damn tight. I'll put something real together eventually. >:) And on a very confusing side note...Lobo sent me strangest, the most intense thing I have ever seen in my life. Don't click that if you're easily offended...it's insane. I don't know how else to describe it.
Mon Apr 15 2002 19:26:00 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
Well, that's one single person who even noticed the massive changes I made to the site design. :) Thanks John! I love you man.
Sat Apr 13 2002 13:39:00 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
No, your eyes are not failing you...the Infiltration Lab has undergone some significant design changes! Version 2.0 I guess...not that anybody is counting. This is something that I've been working on and planning for a little while now. The changes may not be too dramatic, but I think the site has a nicer feel now. I was never that fond of framesets, and I think the new use of PHP gives things a more unified feel. Most of the changes have been implemented, but I'm sure there are still problems. If you see something that is broken, please let me know.
Thu Apr 11 2002 01:20:00 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
I haven't written anything in a while, so I guess it's time. There's not a whole lot going on right now...blah. To summarize the things that people keep asking me, though: Yes, I'm still looking for a job in Portland or Seattle. No, I don't really have any leads yet. Yes, it's getting annoying and depressing. I am, however, enjoying my subscription to Netflix that Stacy got me for my birthday a while back. Finally, I have a chance to scope some of thost great flicks I've missed (like this one), or the excellent gems from the past (like this one, or this awesome one). On a still-yet-even-more-depressing note, I'm going to throw this banner in here (um, this could be the first ever banner on the ilab, wheeee) because I think the situation is completely fucked and I hate to see internet radio shrivel up and die...so click this already:
Thu Mar 28 2002 19:37:00 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)
Alright, I've got my power supply swapped out with some $40 piece-of-crap from Comp USA. Not at all ideal, but it will do the trick for the time being (and get me through the LAN party this weekend. I promise myself that eventaully I'll force myself to break down and buy on of these and perhaps several other of their products. I swear, the high pitched white really annoys after a while... Oh yeah, and I guess that means that my pics and other shared assortments are now available. Werd.
Wed Mar 27 2002 23:30:00 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)
Well that's just wonderful... I'm posting this from the console of my server because the power supply fan on my main box stopped working. Who knows how long it's been like that. I noticed a faint "hot" smell when I entered the ilab today after work, but I didn't really think anything of it. To make things worse, one of my hard drives made an evil noise earlier...I'm betting that it's related...and I hope the damage isn't permanent. When I finally realized that the PS fan had gone out, I shut down the machine and opened it up to let it cool off. The power supply, most of the chassis, and both hard drives were so hot that you couldn't tolerate touching them for more than a few seconds. Just fucking great. I'm utterly surprised that the stupid box kept working! So I guess I get to look forward to rushing out tomorrow and buying a new PS at a bloated price from a local vendor while I get this piece of crap RMAd. Wonderful. All this just two days before the first LAN Party in many months... If you're trying to get to the pictures or anything else that I have hosted from my windows box, it won't be available, and now you know why.
Sun Mar 24 2002 09:40:00 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)
Well, I haven't posted anything in ages, so I figured I'd give a quick little status update... I saw Meg Lee Chin live at Klusoz here in Lubbock last Thursday!! What an absolutely amazing show! Pictures are available in the photos section. The show rocked. She, and the band, were amazing! I've now seen Seibold 3 times live in the last 8 months or so...heh. He's a pretty cool guy in person, don't let that Her DJ was awesome...I was completely impressed with how he turned the tables into a genuine instrument that added so much to the live performance. Other than that, not a whole lot is going on. I still need to find work in Portland or Seattle. Please hire me. Thanks.
Fri Mar 08 2002 00:02:00 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)
Shout outs and big happy B-day to my man Nappybread. You're really not that old man... :)
Wed Feb 27 2002 19:58:00 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)
Aw yeah, nothin can bring me down!
I ate a quick lunch today and dropped on over to the used record store to browse around and buy a few things. Mostly fills of stuff that I forgot to buy when it was new, etc...
I made the ultimate score tho! I picked up Sonic Youth's "100%" single and opened it up in the store to check out the quality. Not too bad, but what is this...some scribbling on the inside cover. Wouldn't that be cool if it was signed? Nah, it's just some kids scribbling...look, there's some little doodle and I can't make out any letters in this other mess...
Then I look at it again later after I buy it...Hey wait, that's a 'K', and that's a 'G', and that almost looks like a 'Thu' with an 'M' stuck in later...I convinced myself that it's real.
I need an authority on sigs to tell me tho...so I snapped pics of the thing here and another one here. Check it out and let me know!
Anyway, it might not be genuine...but I have a sneaking suspicion that it is. I think I'm going to post links to the SY usenet group and see what the experts have to say about this gem!