
[no subject]

Thu Jul 25 2002 16:29:00 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)

Well, my Windows box is going to be down for a bit while I attempt to reinstall the OS. I'm doing this in hopes of obtaining some kind of stability from my piece of shit motherboard and piece of shit videocard...both of which I probably paid entirely too much for. :( Blah. If, for some goddamn reason, this reinstall doesn't fix the problem(s) I've been having, I suppose I will have to buy a new setup. Oh well, crap crap crap... bbl...

[no subject]

Sat Jul 20 2002 18:27:00 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)

Well, Stacy and I took the MAX train downtown today, and guess what we just happened to pick up?


Jealous yet? I'm totally excited! I wanna go see Cornelius as well, but I just wasn't in the mood to drop that much $$$. We may still do it though. I'm not entirely sure if it's just summer or if this town always gets this many good shows, but damn, there are so many good shows coming up's awesome.

[no subject]

Wed Jul 17 2002 22:09:00 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)

Alright, for those of you who requested it, the pics from the big move have been posted to the photos section. Nothing really amazing, but it may give you an idea of what we went from to where we are now. Our new place really looks amazing (with the [gasp!] exception of the ilab, which is messy as shit). Stacy did an amazing job decorating and setting up the living room and kitchen. I owe her big time for it. It really looks tight. We have a really nice tile-covered coffee table that didn't make it into any of the pictures, so just pretend... I need a real domain name.

[no subject]

Mon Jul 15 2002 22:22:00 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)

Arg. I wasted nearly all day working on getting email switched over to maildirs using Courier and maildrop. That sucked. I ran into several problems and ended up backing out of it to my old config. Not fun. The main problems: At least with Mozilla, all subfolders were created under Inbox...annoying, but tolerable. Converting mbx format (which I switched to a while back) to maildir is a bitch and I spent WAY too much time doing this. When I finally thought all was set up and working, I would notice that Courier would just crap out and stop responding. This mainly happened when I rapidly switched between folders in Mozilla. Sux. A restart of the service would bring things right back up...but that just should not have happened. I left most everything in place, so perhaps I'll look at it again sometime. Primary home/personal email:, alternate is (delivered to same mailbox) Work email: Man, I'm really boring. ...but Stacy bought some sweet ass tables today -- one is a largish coffee table (to replace our old crappy one sold in the garage sale) and the other two are smaller end tables. They're really nice black metal ones that take a set of tiles as the surface. They look great in the new living room.

[no subject]

Sat Jul 13 2002 13:30:00 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)

Well, I took a screenshot of a typical speed test on my new DSL connection through ATG. Give it a look here! I think I can live with that... :p Now, if only their usenet news service didn't suck so bad. I think I may have to break down and get hooked up with Giganews and maybe close my Netflix account to offset the costs.

I need to spend some time getting email set up because I'm not completely sure that I want to use ATG. Since they don't mind me running servers/services, it should be cleaner to run a server here least it will get rid of running fetchmail from a cron job (which I consider a pretty bad thing). My cox email has yet to go down though, so that's pretty good....

We've got a good majority of our boxes unpacked, but the place is still a complete mess. I'm sure it will be a few weeks before everthing is in "order". I still haven't hooked up my flash card reader, but when I do you can expect some pics of the new place.

I don't even want to think about starting working again on Wednesday...

[no subject]

Thu Jul 11 2002 21:01:00 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)

Ok peoples, the server is back online in its new home in OREGON! Expect some periodic outages tonight and possibly the next few days while I get all the kinks worked out. Only the server is up right now, the rest of the LAN should be up tonite. I've got the DNS mappings reset (via dyndns) to my static IP, and the associated webhops (which are a little pointless now that I'm static again, but oh well). Message me later on Trillian when my winshit box is running... So far, I think I'm pretty satisfied with this killer DSL service. The tech took less than 5 minutes to install me beginning to end (that includes climbing two flights of stairs) and I didn't even have to have a machine set up. NICE. Thanks ATG! I'll have more later after I've done some more unpacking!

[no subject]

Wed Jun 26 2002 07:43:00 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)

Yes, it's been a while since I posted anything. Things have been pretty mad around here lately, although admittedly the last couple of days were a bit more relaxed than others. Planning for the big move has kept us very busy. Our garage sale last weekend was a major success. We managed to unload a bunch of crap that we didn't want to take with us...and we made a good amount of money doing it! It was a lot of work, but it was kinda fun and ultimately necessary. Now, if we can just sell that Tempo... I think the ilab will be unavailable for at least 7 days, maybe up to 2 weeks during the move. :( I'm going to do what I can to get it set up quickly, but there is going to be some downtime. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping that AT&T cable is worth a damn. Time will tell...

[no subject]

Sat Jun 15 2002 15:29:00 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)

I can use all the words I want, but you won't understand just how screwy the sky has looked all day. It's red and brown all over. The west Texas wind blows sand and dust all over, the clouds pick it up and create a very strange atmosphere. On days like these, you tend to get more boogers than other days. You don't want to be outside for's very reminiscent of a post-apocalyptic Mad Max meets Hardware. If only my gas mask fit and didn't have a speaker in the mouthpiece I'd be ok. I can't wait to leave this dirtbox called Lubbock.

[no subject]

Thu Jun 13 2002 23:34:00 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)

I personally challenge anybody to find a more gory and horrifying boxing movie than Tokyo Fist. I got it from Netflix today and watched it right away. It's a really good film, although the DVD production was a bit lacking (like too many typos in the subtitles, and boring DVD extras)...I would definitely call this one a recommended watch, especially if you liked Iron Man I'm selling a few things on eBay that I need to get rid of before the big move. You can view my items here. Ok sure, nothing too exciting, but still, it's better than throwing it away. Another man's trash... I also threw up a quickie page for my regular-expression file renamer in Perl. Check out eren under the computers section. It's fairly complicated to use, but I find it real handy for renaming mp3s.

[no subject]

Sun Jun 09 2002 12:01:00 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)

Well, I have spent a good portion of this morning trying to troubleshoot the damn freezing problems I've been having with my new video card. I'm now convinced it's a driver problem...either with the ATI driver or the damn Ali Magik chipset AGP driver, or a conflict between the two. I can enable transparency in Trillian now without it crashing, but only in certain video modes. Anything less than 1024x768 16-bit color works just fine...anything higher than that crashes. I think it's mainly dependent on color depth, because even 800x600 in 32 bit color will cause the freeze. To o bad for me, though, because I like running in 1152x864 with 32 bit color. Crap. I guess I just have to wait for the bastards to put out a driver that actually works with my motherboard. I'm really starting to dislike ATI...if these problems don't get fixed soon I may never buy another one of their cards. Maybe I need to make some phone calls. :(