
[no subject]

Fri Nov 15 2002 14:46:00 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)

Much rejoicing! Lots of progress on the LED sign! I now have a working display with full computer control. Sweet. There's still some work to be done, but I really think that the worst is behind me. The main things left are: adding/tweaking some assembly code, improving the PC side software, making a PCB, and finishing up some chassis touches. Keep checking back for progress updates. Oh yeah, and I also threw up a silly little page for the Rice-a-Roni PIC programmer. :) Stupid, but fun!

[no subject]

Tue Nov 12 2002 15:14:00 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)

Wow! That's about all I can say right. Negativland never cease to impress me. Their latest creation, Death Sentences of the Polished and Structurally Weak, showed up in the mail today...and man, it's the best purchase I've made in a while. The book is fantastic, and the accompanying soundtrack is mind blowing...although admittedly I'm probably into the soundtrack thing more than most people. Dark. Raw. Sick. Amazing! This proves, once again, that Negativland are the m a s t e r s. On a similar note, I also scored self-produced King Missile III "The Psychopathology of Everyday Life" (yeah, you didn't even know they had a new release...neither did I!)...but I haven't been able to give it a good listen yet. Total props on the self release though...

[no subject]

Tue Nov 12 2002 00:31:00 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)

I've been doing some additional work on the LED sign in an attempt to get it working in some form or fashion....and I made some scratch ass messy notes on that page to reflect that. I'm not entirely sure just how much I like the current approach that will require a PC connection at all times to change/update the dipslay (I'd much rather shove the stuff into a flash card or even an EEPROM somewhere so that the PC can relax a little more), but I think it does provide the most flexibility. And yeah, I still haven't managed to put a page up for the wack little Elmo guitar I sliced apart...and I still haven't taken a pic of my Rice-a-Roni PIC programmer...I will...soon though.

[no subject]

Fri Nov 08 2002 21:36:00 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)

Well, it sucks, but I finally managed to get my p16pro40 PIC programmer into a case of some kind. It's been a long time coming. I searched Wacky Willy's and Radio Crap and just couldn't find a suitable I made my own. Out of a Rice-A-Roni box. Yes, you heard $20 programmer is now mounted in a $1.49 cardboard box. Yup, the rice was good with some pork chops. It's a piece of crap...but at least it stays in place a little better. I also mounted a little toggle switch on the PCB so that I don't have to constantly unplug the power cord every time I want to program. It's far from ideal, but I suppose it's an improvement.

[no subject]

Fri Nov 08 2002 11:26:00 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)

I have recently become very interested in those Electroluminscent (EL) lights that you may have seen mounted in a low profile night-light socket. This technology fascinates me! I would really like to build a binary wall mounted clock using these lamps/lights, but I didn't know if it would be cost effective to buy the night lights off the shelf. So I did some research and discovered that there are quite a few places that sell this kind of stuff, but most of it seems rediculously overpriced, even on eBay (yeah, I'm pretty cheap). I stumbled on a similar product using the same kind of technology -- and it seems that I have been living in a cave and didn't know that EL wire even even existed, or just how popular it has become. People have done some pretty kick ass things with EL wire...I think I have my next Halloween costume picked out, and a whole year to implement it. :) The real delight came when I discovered a lab handout from a course at MIT. What? What's this? You mean you can screen print these EL lamps? How rad is this? This opens up all kinds of possibilities... Now, I suppose it's time to try my hand at screen printing, building screens and such. Phase two, I suppose, will involve obtaining the right chemicals and trying out the process.

[no subject]

Tue Nov 05 2002 17:29:00 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)

Wang is my hero! Please, if anybody has any information regarding the big "wang" seen yesterday on the east loop in Lubbock, TX, please let me know. I'll accept additional sightings as well! Who is this mysterious "Wang"? Is it an Asian fellow, or is it simply a reference to some schlong? The question must be answered! Elmo will talk to you soon.

[no subject]

Thu Oct 31 2002 01:06:00 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)

My setup is so crappy. The ilab/noisybox setup is so cheap, it's sad. I waste more time dicking with stuff that I really shouldn't have to... So I discovered that when I clicked on a link to a largeish image on my website, my machine would reboot. Ok, let me state that again for emphasis -- I could click on a link in my web browser and cause my server to reboot. Remotely. Reliably. Yeah, very bad indeed.... I couldn't recreate the problem from outside my network, so I started poking around some more. Swapped the 100Mb NIC with an old 10Mb one. No more problem. I suspect that my POS server just couldn't handle sending data that fast, now that I'm running on a 100Mbps switch. So horrible...but hopefully a little better uptime can be expected.

[no subject]

Sun Oct 27 2002 08:41:00 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)

Well, my server apparently still likes to reboot itself...even after I replaced the power supply fan (that I suspected was causing the reboots). Blah. So I suppose I'll return that Maxtor IDE controller and start saving for a new system. Oh fun.

[no subject]

Tue Oct 22 2002 18:26:00 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) had some minor outages in the last few days while some network schtuff was being done and a new power supply fan was being installed (no thanks to the cacs at Rat Shed)... More later...

[no subject]

Sun Oct 20 2002 09:46:00 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)

Oops! I acidentally bought a Belkin 8 port 10/100 switch. That's cool. I also bought a Maxtor Ultra ATA IDE controller, but I really have no idea yet if it will work in my Linux box. Cross your fingers. Perhaps I'll get my machines rebuilt yet...